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TWITTER: @swampy_swami

Hello Neo. I see you have followed the white rabbit. Nicely done!!!


Once upon a time a young man born and raised in Northern NJ grew up absolutely loving the game of football, a likely story. This strapping young lad played the game his whole life and held it very dear to his heart. He loved to converse and write about the NFL in particular whenever given the opportunity. This same young man really had a knack for picking games as a hobby, utilizing his knowledge of the ups and downs of the NFL and pure gut instinct. Later down the road, this young buck studied and learned the ways of the lines, how they move and the significance of them. The man truly loved to study the game, the line, and simply the act of digging deep for as much information as possible to help determine which way he would go. Then one day, while the man was doing his usual "lurk" on a his favorite NFL forum, Hurricane Irene stormed in, flooding his town and trapping him inside. With a lot of time to kill, the man decided to create a user name on this said forum because why the hell not? He wanted to partake in the debates and conversations with other NFL lovers as passionate as himself that he was already reading daily. HMMMMMM......the man thought to himself....what kind of name is original, catchy, and yet relevant all at the same time? AND THEN.......the magic happened. A little voice inside of this man whispered....."Swampthing." Shortly after that, the man was bold enough to post on his favorite forum for the very first time. He listed a four-team, moneyline dawgie dawg NFL parlay during week 1 of the season, and you guessed it ladies and gents, it hit and Swampthing was born! Dozens and eventually even hundreds of fellow posters were intrigued by this mysterious new forum member entering the party with a bang! I enjoy writing in general, and doing so about my favorite thing in the world is extremely fun for me. That being said, I hope you enjoy my weekly input and welcome to the mind of the SwampMan! I look forward to our adventures together.


....The force is strong with this one, I can feel it deep down in my plums. Swamper over and out-


Swampy Loves Ya Baby!



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