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Wow what a crock of poop (excuse my french) with the Rams blowing that 14 point lead Monday night the way they did. Not to make excuses, but they blew that game once the Zebras completely changed the momentum from their favor to the Niners by calling a ghost offensive pass interference call on Ram TE Jared Cook late in the 2nd quarter. That inexplainable, terrible, awful call put a stop to the Ram's successful drive to go up big with a third score while they were headed right for the redzone once more before halftime. The Rams ended up punting and the Niners caught them sleeping on 3rd and long with a bomb TD to Brandon Llyod to make the score 10-14 at halftime with all the momentum on their side. The Niners then came out the second half and completely dominated the Rams and never looked back. UGHHH frustrating! Nothing bothers me more than a referee determining the outcome of a game with a terrible call like the one that was made. When looking at the replay there is literally no offensive pass interference that took place, literally NONE! A call like that should be reviewed to make sure it was correct because when it swings momentum like it did from one team to another, it inevitably determines how the rest of the game goes which ends up effecting the final outcome. Bottom line is referees need to chill the hell out and let the boys play. My god, what has football become nowadays? Extremely annoying for the Swampman. Anyway, this Thursday Night we have yet another divisional Prime Time game to sink our teeth into as the extremely troubled New York Jets head into Foxborough to take on their long time enemy, the New England Patriots.

The Jets have been a complete mess thus far this season as they are the in the spotlight of New York City and when the Jets or Giants do not produce, things inevitably get ugly on the East Coast. There is no hiding the troubles that they are having and Head Coach Rex Ryan is somewhat at a loss for words as it looks like he is on the hot seat with his job on the line. QB Geno Smith was literally shedding tears as the pressure seems to be getting to him and he ended the game last week by throwing a pick-six interception. It looks like the guy may be cracking under the pressure as he recently in the past couple of weeks has cursed off fans, missed meetings , and now with the waterworks on television, the guy is a mess. The Jets as a whole however played the Denver Broncos pretty well I thought last weekend and the final score looks a lot worse than it was. They gave a valiant effort with their backs against the wall and were able to come out swinging and actually went up 7-3 early in the game to everyone's suprise. I told all Jet backers I was speaking to last weekend that I believed they were one game too early. That being said, I think this is the game where the Jets cover, if not win one for the Gipper like they have done in the past when their beloved Head Coach Rex Ryan's job is on the line. I think they kick it up another notch this week after being embarassed even further last weekend and get the job done against a familiar foe. With the Broncos, they faced the Sherriff Peyton Manning and his stable of weapon ponys and a very tough and talented defense. The Patriots aren't nearly as hard to handle as the Broncos, especially when you throw in the fact that they have faced Belicheck and Brady many, many times before and play them tough. It is no secret to beat the Pats you need to hit Brady hard, early, and often and he will fold like a cheap suit. The guy doesn't like to get hit at all and their offensive line can be beat (see Cheifs game two weeks ago). I see a similar game being played by the Jet's defense to the way the Cheifs defense played the Pats on Monday Night two weeks ago. The Jet defensive front is mean and talented. When they are ramped up like they will be on Thursday Night and motivated to go all out, balls to the wall, they can be scary. I foresee them getting to Brady all night long and causing him to crumble. He has a bad ankle and will be scared to get hit once the pocket breaks down with him in the pocket he will jump to the ground before getting hit. On offense the Jets will do what they do best and will run the rock as much as possible which will open up the passing game enough for them to use it effectively. The Pats pass rush is not as good as Denver's and Geno will have more time to get the ball out with more accuracy. All in all, I think the Jets have a GREAT shot at pulling the upset here but I will gladly take the 10 pt cushion, in a low scoring, ugly defensive battle! Jets +10!

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