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Welp, it was a rough day back yesterday no doubt about it. Tonight we got a good one between the Colts and the Gmen. I got to be short and sweet with this one as I am in a rush at the moment. Bottom line is that the Swamp has been waiting for the sleeping Giants to erupt all season. They have the talent to do so on both sides of the ball, even with the injuries, they can be good, real good. I think tonight is the night fresh out of the bye week. It might have been just the medicine that they needed with a chance to recharge the batteries a bit and sit down and figure some stuff out that they need to do better. One thing I know for sure that they lack is the fire inside that I know they can have when motivated to do so. That Superbowl style mojo that they tend to catch toward the end of the year when things start to go rough. Cruz went down, enter Odell Beckhem Jr, or "ODB" as all the cool kids are calling

him. This kid is cocky, but he has the talent to walk the talk in this league. Swag on playa. On paper the Giant defense have who they need to get the job done on any given Sunday, it is just the lack of gameplan and motivation to do so that has been effecting them in a big way. They practically were sleeping during that game in Philly on Sunday Night Football, and then they played pretty well against the Cowboys but to no avail. Now they had a bye week to think everything over and check themselves a bit. The window has been cracked as Dallas and Philly have both lost two in a row. I like Eli to get in the zone a bit tonight and lead Big Blue. Look for rookie RB Andre Williams to have a big game on the ground as well to control the clock and keep stud Colt's QB Andrew Luck off the field. The Colts are extremely dangerous when he gets rolling, that is no secret. However, I think JPP and Co. get in his face a bit tonight to keep things close. MetLife will be buzzing tonight and the Giants will come to play, will it be enough to stop Luck? Only time will tell but I like them to give a valiant effort and keep this one close if not win outright to get back into the mix and seize this big opportunity in front of them. Big Blue +3, Under 52.

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