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***SAN FRANCISCO 49ers -3.5***

The Niners are in must-win mode and are headed into MetLife stadium to face a more than struggling New York Giants squad who have been plagued with so many injuries on both sides of the ball. Yes, they get running back Rashad Jennings back but look for him to be a bit rusty. The Niners have also lost a few key guys on defense but it has been a theme of "next man up" for them and I like the these guys have been swarming the ball on defense. They also get back stud Defensive End Aldon Smith today. This guy is a freak of nature and will allow for things to open up for his "brother from another mother" opposite DE Justin Smith. These guys will be in Eli's face all game and they are going to run the ball down the throat of the GMen after what Marshawn Lynch did to them last week. It will also be wide open for Kaepernick against those nonexistant Linebackers and Secondary due to injuries. Niners need to keep winning and will manhandle Big Blue today.

***ST. LOUIS RAMS +10***

The Rams are home today and hosting the big bad Denver Broncos. It is no secret that the Pony's are one of the game's best teams but I am looking to play off the situation for this pick today. The Broncos could be looking at a bit of a letdown here facing a clearly lesser foe. However, the Ram's strength is without a doubt their defensive line which is where the Broncos are currently having some issues on their offensive front. I see Robert Quinn and Co. in Manning's face today frustrating him a bit. The Rams also have some talent in the secondary to maybe create a turnover or two off the pressure. Ram's backup QB Shaun Hill will also be making his first start today since week 1. I have always believed in this guy when he was Detroit's backup QB and think on any given day that he can throw with the best of them. I won't hold week 1's debacle against him. I like the Ram's to come to play today with some motivation facing an elite team at home and go into this game like it is their "Super Bowl" type. I think Hill puts up some points against the lackadaisical Broncos defense to keep this within the number.


It is a battle of the team's with the loudest stadiums today in Arrowhead as the Chief's host the Seattle Seahawks. I think the Hawks are struggling a bit on offense since trading Percy Harvin and have become a bit one-dimensional. The Chiefs are playing very well as of late and I like their defense at home today to feed off the energy and shutdown the run game of the Hawks to force Russel Wilson to beat them with his arm where they simply lack the weapons at WR. On the other side of things I like the Chiefs to run the rock with Charles against the Hawks and eat up clock with long drives throwing the ball underneath with a lot of short completions which ironically is the Hawk's weakness on defense. I think the Chiefs get it done today in the cold with the help of a ruckus Arrowhead crowd.


DAAA RAIIIIIDAAAAAAAAZZZZ have been playing better as of late. I know last week doesn't show so when looking at the scoreboard but I really do like their QB Derek Carr. I think he goes toe to toe today with Rivers who may continue to be a bit rusty coming out of the bye week after a couple week's of struggling offensively. DAAA RAAIIIIIIDAAAAAAAZZZZ are way overdue for a win and I'm not saying they get it here today, but they did get real close to it a few weeks ago when they faced this same enemy in the Black Hole, so that being said I like them to come into San Diego pumped up today to try again. DAAAA RAIIIIDAAAAAAAZZZZZ and the points.


If you have been following my recent plays, you will know I am not a believer in Eagle's QB Mark Sanchez. I have said it before and I will say it again, he will always be "Butt-Fumble" to me. I think he has potential to always turn the ball over by throwing multiple interceptions. Today they face a defense that is quietly great at taking the ball away via picks. I think with the way the Packers are moving LB Clay Matthews around and the added pressure of DE Julius Peppers in Sanchez's face today, will result in the Sanchez we are used to seeing and knock the Eagles off of their high horse that they have been on as of late. Not to mention the way Packer's QB Aaron Rodgers is dealing the rock lately, combined with the way RB Eddie Lacy has been running it.....I don't think they will have much of a problem today at home, on the frozen tundra in their element, to shoot down some birds....Cheese roll!

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