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I don't have a lot of time for a write-up tonight so I will keep it short, sweet, and simple. DA RRRAAAIIIIIDAAAZZZZZ are in a great spot tonight. Although they are winless, they have been getting better as the season goes on and playing with effort in my opinion. I know the score from their last home game against Denver doesn't reflect that, but in both games versus San Diego they almost pulled out a win. The same can be said for the game against Seattle. They hung in there and I really like this Rookie QB Carr. I think the kid is a confident gunslinger and a competetive winner and it is killing him to go out there week after week and fall short every time. He is doing his thing out there every week and is the least sacked QB in the league next to P. Manning. As the season goes on he is developing more of a chemistry with his WR core and having more and more success. That being said, I do not think that Oakland goes winless this season. Carr is sniffing around hard for one and that can be contagious to his teammates. I have been looking at their schedule the last few weeks trying to pinpoint when that first win will take place. Tonight was one of the possible big ones that I had circled. Home, on Prime Time football, and against a division rival is usually a great recipe for an upset in the NFL. Now I know KC has been rolling as of late, I was all over them last week. I just think the way the Raiders handled San Diego's offense last weekend was big, Rivers struggled and was banged up. KC's passing game doesn't scare me and in my opinion isn't on the same level of threat that San Diego's is. Now throw in the weather factor of tonight where it has been a consistent downpour all day and looks like will continue throughout the game. That field will be a mess and Jamal Charles will not be able to break ankles like he usually does. I think it will be more of a Knile Davis type of night for them. On the Oakland side of things they have McFadden and Jones-Drew. I know they haven't done much as of late and it has been more of Carr and the passing game that is pretty much the extent of DA RAAIIIIDAAHH's offense, but just maybe tonight is the night that the 'ol reliable mudder RB from Oakland Jones-Drew finally contributes a bit tonight in a big way. In a nutshell I just see Oakland coming extremely motivated to get a win tonight in front of their fans and national television and put a damper on the hopes and dreams of high flying KC right now. KC just came out of a war with Seattle and now are traveling on a short week not to mention the big lookahead potential of a game next week against Denver. As always I could be wrong, but this one stinks of a big letdown for KC AKA an upset, so with that I will gladly take the points here. DAAAA RRRAIIIIIIIDAAAAAAZZZZZ +7.5!

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