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Great doubleheader yesterday with RG3 redeeming himself a bit, Sanchez choking, and trusting in Rivers all panned out, got to love it when a plan comes together! Let's get at it again today with some extra merky Muck 5 early Xmas gifts from SwampaClaus. I am obviously limited for time so I will keep this version on the short and sweet side. Here we go!


This team must be pissed because they are a playoff caliber team who just didn't get the job done these past few weeks and as a result, have fallen short of the playoffs. Today I like this defense to let out some frustration as they attack rookie QB Teddy Bridgewater at home in Miami and cruise pass the Purple People. Phish with a lopsided win at home in this one.


This game has a lot riding on it between two teams who have had awful seasons but are lucky enough to be in a divsion where that doesn't matter and the playoffs are still possible for one of them. That being said I see these teams on the same level and both capable of winning this game but it won't be by a blowout of some sort. This one will be high scoring due to lack of defense and will be back and forth with the final score being determined by and end of game field goal like we have seen many times before. I am not sure if freak WR for Atlanta Julio Jones is playing today but if not, I still like veteran Roddy White to take charge and QB Matt Ryan to be in the zone. Brees will get his there is no doubt about that but the Birds keep this within the number if not win outright and continue this ugly playoff race going another week when all four of these sorry excuses for playoff teams play each other.


Rookie Browns QB Johnny Manziel probably had the worst first start that he could've possibly imagined last week against a tough motivated Bengals team who was coming off of big loss to Pittsburgh the week prior. I believe that this was not entirely his fault and the rest of the team just fell into the trap that they could just sit back and watch instead of doing everything they can to help him get the win. I guess they wanted tickets to the show as well to see what he was about more than they wanted to play with him on the field. After that embarassing loss for the franchise, it is now gut-check time and I think they answer the bell. In my opinion the Browns are simply a much better team all around than the Carolina Panthers and that they will be able to stop a hurt Cam Newton on defense. I could also see the Panthers getting a little cocky in this one when watching the Brown's tape from last weekend. That game was obviously a terrible one and not a true representation of how talented they are. They will most likely misjudge Johnny Football's ability in this one and that can be dangerous. That being said, Manziel needs to show up in a big way today and I feel he is the type to do everything in his power this past week in order to do so. He has probably been chomping at the bit to get another shot to prove himself and quiet his many critics and I am willing to go ahead and say that he does it and the Brownies get the win in Carolina this afternoon.

***St. Louis Rams -6.5***

The Ram's defense at home can be a deadly matchup for some offenses in this league. Unfortunately for Eli and the Giants, I think they are in for a long day against them today. Eli will be under durress with that defense as they pin their ears back and pad the stats when DEs Chris Long and Robert Quinn constantly tee off on him in the pocket. Rookie phenon WR for the Giants Beckham Jr. is a legit freak however I think Rams CB Janoris Jenkins has what it takes to stick to him this game and limit his production, especially while Eli is under fire. The Gmen defense is broken with injuries and unmotivated and the Rams will have little trouble scoring a few TDs and a handful of consistent FGs to help them cover the number here.


DAAA RRRRRAIIIIIDAAAAAZZZZZ have been a consistent pick for me at home lately. As bad of a season as they have had, I like what they are doing there with QB Derek Carr and I love them with a big point cushion like today against a team like the Bills who are coming off of a huge emotional and physical win over the Green Bay Packers last weekend in Buffalo. AKA the Bills are possibly caught in a lookahead spot with playoffs still on the mind and the Patriots on deck next week, I think they take Oakland a little lightly here. Buffalo's defense is no joke but have shown some weakness against the run lately. That being said in a nutshell I like DAA RRRRAIIIDAAAZZZZ to play pressure free today, have success running the ball, and keep this thing close against Orton and the Buffs.

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