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The RED HOT Kansas City Chiefs head into Foxborough AKA NO MANS LAND to take on Bill Belichik, Tom Brady, and the mighty mighty Patriots. KC Head Coach Andy Reid really has got the Chefs cookin' so to speak as they are surging off of a now 11- game winning streak! They beat down the Houston Texans on the road in the first round of the playoffs last weekend 30-0 and finally got over the hump of a playoff victory drought. However I think this needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The Texans have absolutely NO OFFENSE besides their sole stud WR DeAndre Hopkins. You stop him, and you pretty much stifle that poor offense. Their offensive line is putrid, and Hoyer is abysmal under pressure and will make mistakes as we saw last week. It is important we realize that Hoyer and Tom Brady are at pretty much opposite sides of the QB spectrum here so judging KC off their game last week when looking at their matchup today is a no-no. Yes, KC has been a very strong team and seemed to have really found themselves as the season grew older. What I mean by that is, offensively they know exactly who they are. Andy Reid does a great job capitalizing on QB Alex Smith's strengths as a game manager who is a mobile QB and likes to keep his throws underneath and let his targets do the work to keep the sticks moving. It is an efficient attack with very methodical play-calling and ever since RB Jamaal Charles went down with a season-ending injury, the backups West and Ware have filled in beautifully. TE Travis Kelce has proven to be one of the best at his position and serves as Smith's security blanket. The guy is similar to Gronk and a YAC beast! However I believe with WR Maclin banged up, Belichik will surely focus on taking Kelce away in the offense. Speaking of the Sith himself Bill Belichik, with a week off to prepare and the whole Brady Bunch back together again so to speak by having the return of WR Julian Edelman as well as some key defensive players, the Pats will simply be TOO STRONG for the Chiefs today and will prove that as good as KC is, the Patriots are on another level. I know they haven't looked strong as they finished the season very undermanned and banged up, but I firmly believe that those gameplans were all part of the big picture for Belichik and that he knew EXACTLY what he was doing all along. Deep down I think there is only ONE team in the AFC that they wanted to avoid if possible, and that team is the Steelers. Belichik knows Big Ben has what it takes to beat them deep on one-on-one coverage and this scares him. In my opinion they opened the door for the Jets to grab a wildcard spot in hopes that they would knock out the Steelers, and when they looked like they were going to mess that up in the last week like they did, I think the Pats decided to forfiet the top seed in the AFC by losing in Miami during the last week to eventually avoid facing the 6th seeded Steelers during this weekend. If that indeed was the plan, so far so good as Pitt is severely banged up and has their work cutout for them tomorrow in Denver. I know that all sounds crazy and most don't believe in coaches looking ahead like this which is true I feel like for 90% of the Coaches out there, but when dealing with a mind like Billy B's I think he looks ahead like this and always has the bigger picture at the forefront of his mind knowing how good his team is and what they are capable of and also the areas where they are weak. SO, what I am trying to say here is.....we will see a whole different animal of New England today as it is now playoff time, and we all know these guys are the best at performing this time of year. The Pats defense will be in BEASTMODE today as I think they are highly underrated and will most likely be back at full strength. The KC offense can be stifled at times due to their low-risk plays and I believe they will run into a wall today. Alex Smith will do what he can but I don't see KC scoring much. I do think that the Chief defense will also have some success early with a good gameplan and while the Pats shake off some inevitable rust from the injuries and time off, but I see New England pulling away in the second half and the Brady, Gronk, and Edelman show in full effect at home in front of a ruckus crowd who are ready to make their back to back Super Bowl run. PATRIOTS-5


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