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Tonight the Houston Texans will try to pull off the unthinkable and upset the mighty New England Patriots when they head into dreaded Foxborough, a place where few have come out victorious. When looking at tonight's game on paper and given the largest point spread in the last decade, one would see that this is clearly the most lopsided matchup of the weekend. It is no secret that the Texans have had a rocky season. While trying to break in their brand new "franchise" QB in Brock Osweiler whom they paid big money for, things did not go as planned to say the least. Osweiler was awful for pretty much the entire season, forcing Head Coach Bill O'Brien to send him to the pine, and starting backup QB Tom Savage until he went out with a concussion during the final game of the season, inevitably giving Osweiler another chance to prove himself. Last week when Houston hosted a Raiders team who was also in midst of some QB turmoil, Osweiler played fairly well and was able to lead the Texans to a playoff victory. While this win was anything but impressive given the Raiders situation having to start a third string Rookie QB in his first game, I believe it did serve as a big and much needed confidence booster for Osweiler and this team, and going into tonight's matchup they will need all the confidence they can muster up. Some may argue that the Texans shouldn't even be in the playoffs let alone the Divisional round, and maybe they shouldn't....but here they are and although it is highly unlikely and nearly impossible, they have a chance. "SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THERE'S A CHANCE?!"(Lloyd Christmas voice) Yes, there is indeed. However while I do agree with probably the rest of the world that in no way shape or form will the Texans come out victorious tonight, I do believe they may surprise most and put up enough of a fight to keep this one within the number. This game consists of the rare matchup of the number one offense in the Patriots versus the number one defense in the Texans. I don't really agree in the whole number one defense label for Houston but I won't deny the fact that they are solid. The long awaited emergence of DE Jadeveon Clowney has been spectacular to say the least. To put it plainly, the man is a true freak of nature and is playing like it. Although it was up against a team without their best OT and the inexperience of a Rookie QB last week, Clowney single handedly wrecked their offense and it was impressive. The rest of the defense fed off his play and the energy of the home crowd and were able to apply a relentless run stop and pass rush throughout the game and I like them to carry that momentum in to the game against the Pats tonight.

Obviously the Patriots are the best team in the AFC and have the ability to make mince meat of the Texans and most defenses for that matter, but I believe it is the approach that they will take to the game that will allow the Bulls to keep it within two TDs. Despite having QB Tom Brady, the Pats have one hell of a ground and pound rushing attack behind the bruising RB LaGarette Blount. In an effort to keep Brady healthy knowing that their lies a much tougher road ahead with either Pittsburgh or Kansas City on deck, I think they will concentrate on running the rock and having Brady get rid of the ball as quick as possible with short dink and dunk type passes. I don't think New England Head Coach Bill Belichick considers it important to blow a clearly lesser opponent out tonight and rather just get out of the game with a victory and fully healthy. That being said, if the Pats do jump out to an early lead and are up big in the second half, the possibility of them letting off the gas and the Texans jumping in the backdoor is highly possible. The Texans offense is not short of any weaponry with WRs like DeAndre Hopkins and Rookie Will Fuller, along with Osweiler's favorite target in TE CJ Fiedorowicz. I hold that Patriot defense in high regard and am well aware that it will be tough sledding for Houston to score any points on the road against them but I do believe that after being abused by this team in the past and playing with nothing to lose, they will score. I doubt even Houston's fans believe they have a chance tonight and as mentioned pretty much the entire world has already given the Patriots an automatic pass to advance here. If this was any team but the Pats I would say there is a chance they could be drinking too much of that koolaid and risk overlooking this team, thus trapping themselves into a surprise close game. Bill and Tom are far too smart for that to happen, but again I do think the Texans play their asses off and do enough to put up a respectable fight. Osweiler has a lot to prove, and after a big playoff win last week going toe to toe with the great Tom Brady is a great opportunity to show this Houston franchise something. I like him to let it rip tonight and his WRs to help make some plays, too many points in a playoff game for the Swamp's liking here. TEXANS+16

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